3D Printed Tourniquets.
Quick. Safe. Reliable.


5 USD = 1 tourniquet
Made in Ukraine

3D Print

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Provided for free for
Ukrainian Institutions

The Urgent Need for Tourniquets

During the war time, whether a wounded person lives or dies can depend on a simple device: a tourniquet. But due to a global shortage, many Ukrainian soldiers and civilians lack this essential life-saving tool. Once injured, a person has as little as three minutes to stop bleeding. This project aims to change the outcome of these three minutes.

Our Mission

We make and donate high-quality tourniquets for the Ukrainian soldiers and civilians, so that more lives can be saved. Our tourniquets are already being used on the front lines. This project is Open Source. We openly share project models, documentation, and our know-how. We sew primarily in Ukraine to empower local communities.

We are an international team of volunteers: medical professionals, engineers, students, and all those motivated to help in this crisis. We partner with The Ukrainian Catholic University in Lviv (Faculty of Applied Sciences). We develop and test tourniquet hardware, 3D print tourniquet parts, coordinate production, ensure tourniquets’ quality, and distribute them directly to people in need.

We need your help to produce and donate tourniquets. Together we can ensure that more Ukrainian heroes can survive and reunite with their families. We accept donations and your voluntary 3D printing.

What makes our emergency tourniquet?



Our tourniquet is not yet certified. The use of non-certified tourniquets is allowed in Ukraine.

Please always use a TCCC-certified tourniquet,
if you have access to such a device.

Why help 3DPrintingforUkraine.com?

  • Tourniquet design based on well-established industry standards
  • Successfully tested by emergency physicians (not yet officially certified)
  • Already successfully deployed in the field in Ukraine by medical professionals and soldiers
  • Design optimized for 3D printing (no supports, 0.4-0.8mm nozzle)
  • Simple sewing at scale with illustrated instructions
  • Strict quality control measures and a network of sewing experts
  • Established supply chain in Ukraine and Poland; Materials for 12 000 units
  • Developed with 100% volunteering effort; by the team who successfully deployed 40 000 protection masks and 15 000 face shields (during COVID-19)


Please contact us if you want to help with this project or use our tourniquets. We will guide you in the process and connect you with our volunteers in Ukraine and other countries. Click here to see our team. For helping with the 3D printing process, please visit our Print page. Thank you for your support!

Coordination, Production and Logistcs in Ukraine:
Oleg Farenyuk (Principal Investigator), Ukrainian Catholic University in Lviv
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/oleg-farenyuk-9625951b
Languages: Ukrainian, English

Technology & Project Mechanical Engineering:
Jakub Kaminski (Founder)
Message via Facebook: facebook.com/jakub.t.kaminski
Message via LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/jtkaminski/
Email: jkaminski@wpi.edu
Languages: Polish, English

Logistics in Poland:
Leonid Hulko
Message via Facebook: facebook.com/leonid.hulko
Phone: +48881441025 (Poland)
Languages: Ukrainian, Polish


The hardware designs, instructions, products or services are provided voluntarily by 3DPrintingforUkraine.com contributors with best intentions and care, yet they do not have FDA or medCE approval; are not certified as a medical device; and are not intended for any clinical use. The hardware designs, instructions, products, or services provided herein are intended to be used solely in regions of military conflicts in which no medical-grade tourniquets or other applicable medical aids are available. 3DPrintingforUkraine.com contributors provide tourniquets as is and make no representations or warranties, and shall not be responsible for the competency of any person who uses or applies the presented hardware designs, instructions, products, or services.

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